SEPNAS Disaster Risk Reduction and Management council conducted Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) 2019 to promote disaster preparedness among SEPNASians.
Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill is a quarterly National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management council (NDRRMC) led activity that targets the public to inform them on disaster preparedness against earthquake.
The drill seeks to guide the students on what they should do during and after the earthquake. This also discusses the different phases of an earthquake.
More than 5,000 students and teachers were involved in this activity for them to be knowledgeable about the do's and don'ts during a disaster.
Different equipment were used during the drill such as spine board and stretcher for carrying a victim and megaphone equipped with siren to alert the participants.
Command posts were distributed for proper dissemination of instructions during the earthquake drill, with their first aid kits for emergencies that may occur.
Camila F. Muñoz
The Rural Echo